Saturday, 8 September 2012

Three in a wheel! The Roborovskis ;-)

Just a quickie here as I've been promising Gledwood for so long that I would post some footage of some of my (23) Roborovskis. This is my first attempt at filming them, I dare say I will improve!  They are nocturnal and really come into their own at about 3 am . . . not a time when I'm usually up and about with my phone/camera thingy. At 3.13 on the first video there are five in the wheel! I must point out that there are two other wheels in the cage for them to use . . . Anyway, I'm cleaning them all out today so maybe I can film some more antics as I empty their cages!
It's been a busy week with a long day yesterday visiting Hamper G's Dad in prison. I've been reading all blogs as usual but rarely had time to comment. I'll update later as it's late Saturday morning here; Geekster Stropster will be in from work for bacon butties, the washing needs to be hung out, plants all need watering, nine hamster cages/tanks need cleaning out and on and on the list goes.
I've definitely felt more energetic and hopeful this week . . . As if I'm taking the first steps again towards something good. Anyway I'll write about that later  . . .
Meantime, I hope you all have a great weekend, much love and many thanks to you all for being here x


  1. I'll have to watch this when I'm on my computer...the video won't work on my iPad.

    So great to hear from you. No matter where you are, keep writing! It's good for the soul.


    1. Hi Sherry, I will keep writing for sure, despite the voices telling me not to. I know "it's" grip is stronger in isolation and secrecy. Love and thanks sent to you x

  2. Funny little creatures. Glad you've had a good week. Let's you breathe easy again.

    1. Hi Jeannie, Yeah, I couldn't face the prison visit the week before so I know things are improving . . . gradually. Still struggling with the usual though, and still trying. With love and thanks x

  3. They are adorible!Im glad your feeling good and hopeful and I bet that the hopefulness leads you to something wonderful.Love and hugsXoXoxoxo

    1. Bev, well yes, I'm still hoping that it's leading to something good. I know I need to get on the first rung of the ladder and I still haven't got there yet . . .
      Love sent to you x

  4. So adorable, Lovey! I hope the visit went well with Hamper G's daddy. I'm glad to hear things are looking up for you - such wonderful news to hear from you. Be well, my Lovey!! xoxoxo

    1. Hi Lovey, Yeah it went well (ish) It's always bitter sweet and very emotionally draining . . . So much stuff.
      I'll write some on it soon, I am struggling.
      Love to you and I hope your healing fast x x x

  5. Fucking boring keep to your usual stuff.

    1. Anon,
      If by "my usual stuff" you mean my daily life and battle with Heroin addiction . . . I do intend to keep to writing about it. As I wrote in the post, these videos were posted to keep a promise made to Gledwood. I don't intend to start a "Roborovski Blog" . . .
      I wonder . . . if you find my usual stuff interesting, why you have never commented? Yet as soon as you find something "Fucking boring" you're straight in there . . . Hmmmm

    2. Fucking charming!
      This is a blog, of what the writer wants to write! You want to read something scripted to an audience? Then they have these wonderful inventions that you can get from most shops for around a few pounds, you might have actually heard of them before, they are called, umm let me think, oh thats right, books!

  6. Awww, cute. Just keep them and the kids away from the microwave.

    1. Twisted Scottish Bastard, I think Geekster broke the microwave doing some kind of experiment (not involving hamsters), so we no longer have one.
      Hamper G asked if she could take one out with her yesterday to entice a cat that has taken her fancy! She actually said "It's only one, we've got plenty more" !! . . . I haven't counted them today so who knows? No strange cats here though x

  7. Goodness they move fast - put the rest of us (well me anyway) to shame. I loved your response to anon, and am extremely happy that you are in a more positive space. Have a great weekend.

    1. The E's C . . . O they are fast. Hamper G is the only one who can catch them if they escape. One was scurrying about the house for five days, until he got hungry and slowed down and we finally trapped him with peanuts!
      Yes, it speaks volumes that anons are nearly always negative.
      I'm in the middle of posting about the many things that have improved . . . and the one thing that hasn't. Hey ho.
      I enjoyed your photos this morning, I've never planted bulbs but I will this year. You too, have a great weekend.

  8. You do sound upbeat, positive. Oh, how this is needed!! Keep it up! Not sure how your NA experiences have been for you; you may well have posted about it, but it sure would be beneficial!! WE ALL need that someone (or group of someones) we can rely on and wholeheartedly trust.

    Is your addiction such that you need medical assistance with withdrawal? Again, I'm not aware of your use pattern.

    This I know,,, where I live, Minneapolis, MN, , we have a heroin epidemic right now and reportedly one can get the purest heroin in the United States. We have been reading about OD monthly for a few years now. While this was not my DOC, I get the hold heroin has on the addict. I do; so I do not underestimate the battle you are in. But,,, it can be done. It can! And you are so worth it!

    1. Hi Dawn, Thanks for your reply to me over at your Blog. As I said there, I think you've hit the nail firmly on the head, I need to get back to N/A. My local N/A only has one ex-Heroin addict (5 years clean) and he's very harsh. I was even warned about him by other folk there, there are four people in total. I think I will have to try and make a day time meeting in the nearby city, while the kids are in school.
      I am scripted with 45 ml Methadone, daily, have a twelve year habit but was managing to do 3-6 days clean from February this year until August. In other words I had got down to using twice a week. After my recent holiday in Wales, where several issues came to light . . . I have used every day, sometimes twice. I never expected to go backwards on this journey, but I seem to have got stuck here again.
      I'm sure you're right that I need face-to-face talk and to be able to relate to people who have walked this road. I will get to N/A this week.
      Thanks again for taking the time to think about what I might need, I really appreciate it. Take care x

    2. Just for clarity!!!!

      Yup, I took the time. But that's because I care SO much about the suffering addict. Regarding telling you what you need - I don't want you to perceive me that way. I would never tell you "what you need",, but only share with you what "I" needed when I was where you are.

      There is such a difference. I can't possibly know what you're needing... I only have my experience to share. And that is it. You're fighting a beast girl. I hope you view your replies on your blog as pure encouragment. We never ever give up. You can do this!!!
      Been thinking of you :)

  9. Lovely little furries :) Nice to see your blog and i LOVE the pics of wales.. very pretty.. Hope you are well this Sunday..

    1. Thanks Bill, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos and the "Robos".
      Still struggling with this beast of addiction, but apart from that all is good. Thanks for being here and you too, enjoy your Sunday x

  10. Hoping things carry on to improve. I have a feeling that this is the start of something good!

    1. Ah Thanks Kim, Hoping the same for you too. And thanks for your comment to Anon, take care x

  11. Thinking of you as always. Hope little Hamper-G is still improving at school. As a teacher, I have never figured out why some children feel the need to punish their Mums like that. Perhaps they just love them sooo much! And keep on trying to get clean, do whatever you have to do.
    KG xxx
    PS That other Anon is a dickhead!

    1. Hi Kiwigirl, As soon as I see Anon I look straight to the bottom of the comment to see if it's you.
      Hamper G is settling well, her new teacher is so kind and thoughtful; she gives her a "job" to do each morning, serving as a distraction (while I go!) and making her feel responsible and needed.
      I'm halfway through my next post and thinking I should go back to N/A, it certainly helped last time . . . I will do this somehow.
      Love to you Kiwigirl x x

  12. Hey Bugerlugs, I asked you a question here:

    about Fabric Conditioner and how you get that overpowering aroma locked in the clothes. What is your secret? Please explain chez moi. I'm reduced to spraying Febreeze everywhere as whenever I line-dry my clothes all scent of washing liquid and conditioner disappears... (Even when I use 3 capfuls of Easy)...

  13. What furry swines! I've just watched them again and your robos are far tubbier than mine. Bashful and Itchy were quite tiny and bullet-shaped (they were definitely robos). Spherical took the name precisely because she did look just like a furry sphere (more like your ones). Do you think Itchy and Bashful must have been "runts"? I do...

    1. I'll answer the conditioner problem at yours ;-)
      My Robos are all different shapes and sizes, some are thin and bullet shaped, some are fat and round. I'll film some of varying shapes next time. Your pups are all chubby and healthy, as are you and your sister. I'll have to sex the pups soon and get the lads out!
      "They" say they can reproduce from a few weeks old, but I've never seen this. Mine have only ever had pups the season after they were born (births usually in Spring and Autumn) . . . So another few weeks and they'll be ready.
      There's usually one runt per litter. The one in your litter died.
      They are funny to watch interacting, as you know.
      Hope all is good with you Gledwood, with love as always x x

  14. PS I never knew I could ping so FAST...!!

  15. PPS you can view Baby Itchy, Bashful and Spherical halfway down the sidebar, under the Feedjit "Live Traffic Feed" at mine... have you seen them? They were very furry and cute and although only Itchy would tolerate being picked up (and hence frequently escaped when I was gouching) none of them were scared of my hand. Next time I get robos I'd like to get hand-tamed ones. When I got my 3 back from the hamstery, I couldn't believe how skittish they were... I remember poking a piece of okra into their nest when they were sleeping and out they ran in terror as if it were a baby crocodile snapping its jaws at their tubby bum-bums... The swines!

    1. Yeah, I've watched it a few times, they're lovely.
      If you want them hand-tamed you need to get them as early as possible. If they are hand-tamed for one person they might not necessarily go to another person. So new born is best (with the mother) . . . And yet some of them just are naturally friendly and others not so. Tubby-stinking-swines indeed! Bless their whiskers and brows x x

  16. Really cute! Do you have names for them all like Gleds did?

    1. Absolutely, yes they all have names and personalities. Hamper G and I love them ;-)
