Friday, 8 June 2012

I, yes I, have the technology!

YEAH!! . . . Now here's some more good news. I can, finally, independently take my own photos and transfer them from camera to Blog all by myself! Yes, I do realise, to most people, this is quite the norm . . . but I'm not.

The other day I saw an old phone in the drawer that the kids had found a couple of  years ago. It was blocked (properly blocked, not un-blockeable by the market man for a tena) but within the phone is an 8.1 mega pixel Sony cyber-shot camera . . . They told me the battery was no good (not chargeable) and we had no charger anyway. Yes, I think they told me all this before; every time I came across the phone and asked why I couldn't use it for a camera . . . BUT this time I was going to do something about it . . . E-Bay. One new battery, one charger, one USB lead ordered, paid for . . . And delivered this morning!

Now the best bit . . . before Geekster was even out of bed this morning, I took a few trial shots and saved them right here on my laptop! I will prove it in a minute . . . I am so damn pleased with myself.

I also ordered a beautiful Nepalese bracelet on E-Bay, then realised when I went to check on it's whereabouts yesterday . . . that it was travelling here from China; I might have to wait a while for that.

I've learnt some more about the cunning, baffling ways of addiction. I'll try and post later as I need to eat now and get on with the day. I've missed my walking this week, the kids are off school for half term and it has rained all week. Geekster has asked me to teach him how to play the piano; he did learn the violin for a year so has a head start being able to read music. Meanwhile Stropster is still persevering with Redemption song on the guitar . . . All good stuff. Excellent. I intend to stay clean just for today . . . I'll be back later x

Hamper G's hair had almost grown long enough to tie in a top knot  (after she'd cut it from waist length to ear length) . . . Until Monday when she found the nail scissors in the bathroom and chopped out the middle of her fringe . . . Seems it must be genetic  . . . As is looking either serious or dopey ;-) . . . In a beautiful way of course.

Love to all, have a good day x


  1. Now that is a beautiful child in both serious and smiling modes. I cut my eyebrows off, rather than my hair. Really not a good look on a child with hair at least as dark as Hamper G's.
    Have a great day yourself.

    1. The E's C . . . I'm trying to picture that. I think it was during your "holiday" that I posted my 70's pics of "Silverhip era" . . . I had also chopped out the middle of my fringe because it was taking too long to grow out.
      The nail scissors are now hidden away with every other pair of scissors in the house!

  2. She's a gorgeous kid! and can get away with eccentric hair.

    Go you! Everything is a learning curve - it's the people who won't even bother trying who are pathetic.

    Yes, stay clean today!

    1. Jeannie . . . That's true I suppose.
      I once saw one of those model types with a real short, short fringe (me and my bledy fringe) . . and I thought O that looks good, so I tried it; it looked hideous. It hadn't occured to me that it wasn't just about the fringe, but face shape, eyebrows etc.
      That's today safely clean! (and nail scissors hidden)

  3. She's beautiful... but can you put up some hamster photos as well...!!

    1. Gledwood . . . Yes, yes of course. That was just a quick trial; they'll be no stopping me now! Hamsters tomorrow, just for you x

  4. Isn't technology fun?

    She looks lovely, which one?...Not too sure about the stars glued to her forehead, but I suppose it's a girl thing.

    Keep clean. Go for a nice long walk. Have a fag.
    You can do it.

    1. Twisted Scottish Bastard,
      Yeah possibly a girl thing . . . the lads never did it! They're stickers so easily removeable.
      Another day clean and partly serene.

  5. She is gorgeous! Such big beautiful eyes and perfect rosy cheeks. Isn't it amazing what great pics these new fangled phones produce. I like the camera in my phone better than my actual camera. If I'd had the phone first I never would've purchased the camera. Glad you have the technology now. Hope to see more of these.

    Yes, one day at a time! You're getting really good at this. xx :)

    1. Hey, I've only just found these commemts a week later. I'm sure no-one will be coming back to see if I've replied . . . but I'll still reply, cus I'm a bit OCD about it!
      Thanks JJ x

  6. Hamper G is precious! Why do our kids do that? Mine did the same thing - they cut their hair and my kids did such a poor job of it, it was always a wreck and couldn't be fixed and I have to hope for it to grow out fast. And yet, I miss those days. At least your daughter still looks adorable =)

    Be well, Lovey!!

    1. Hi Lovey . . . I'm a week late here, so I think I could be talking to myself but hey what's new?
      I've hid every single pair of scissors now, I hope she doesn't get ideads with the bread knife :-/
      You too Lovey, be well x

  7. I just read your last post, and liked it very much. It's a good idea to take "stock" every so often and see where you have been, where you are, and where you are going. You are doing many ways. Give yourself a hug (I know that looks weird, but do it anyway..;)

    Your daughter is beautiful. Remember how blessed you are.

    1. Thanks Lou, Yes sometimes I think I've not made much progress so it's good to look back and remind myself of where I was.
      I've hugged myself good and proper!
      I am blessed indeed x

  8. What a beautiful little girl!

  9. Bugs, she is such a beauty. That smile is wonderful. Enjoy the camera and we will enjoy all your photos.

    1. Thanks Syd . . . It's great to be independent with camera, finally! . . . O there'll be plenty more!
