Monday, 16 July 2012

For Hanneka

Here's some, "suddenly abandoned", drawings of my neice, Hanneka. We were chatting on-line yesterday, I told her I'd found some old drawings of her. She'd never seen them and asked me to put them up . . . so here they are. They're almost thirty years old (!) I've only met her a few times as she grew up in Australia. She was here for a while last summer on her European travels . . . Hanneka travels a lot. At the moment she's in Thailand for a few weeks on a health detox; after working in Nepal and consuming way too many carbs, cooked food and alcohol . . . A wise girl who looks after her body and mind  . . . as well as enjoying life, in so many wonderful places, with so many special people. 
I can only find these three, there are more somewhere. The one with the head wrap is not the original, it's a copy with ink added (unfinished) on the scarf . . . The original is somewhere . . . and also one of very few that are actually finished. The other two are the orignal pencil drawings in my more usual "sudden abandonment" style.
So, there we go.
For the beautiful, enchanted Hanneka
So much love x x x 


  1. I kind of like the "sudden abandonment" style. The juxtaposition of the finished and unfinished is a perfect metaphor for most of our lives don't you think? I mean, none of us are really "finished" right? There's always room for change.

    Just my two cents. Lots of love...

    1. Hi Sherry,
      Yeah, it was "the other Sherry" @ have myelin that labelled them so. And now I look at them as finished . . . and unfinished. But finished . . . I think ;-) x x

  2. WOW, you drew them?!?
    They are wonderful, you should draw more.

    1. Thanks Kim,
      I will when I get the right sort of time and mood that I need, it will happen one day x

  3. Very nicely done! You should definitely pick it up again.

    1. And so should you Jeannie . . . but you know that x

  4. You drew these? So much talent.There beautiful.if I could do that I would make sure I got rich.Dont ever put your ink away!XoXoXo

    1. Thanks Bev, There are some more, if you want to see them click on the "artwork" title, in the black strip under my header.
      I'm crap at making money, all the portraits that I've drawn for people, I've given to them.
      I will draw again soon. Take care Bev x x

  5. All the portraits and drawings of my own children are unfinished. It was difficult enough to get them to sit still for 5 mins, let alone time enough to finish a picture. I rather like them like that.

    1. Ah well, I have to confess to "cheating", drawing from photographs. I have done a few live portraits but they're mostly copied from photographs. Forgery my Dad calls it!

  6. You are an amazing artist. Thanks for sharing these.
