Wednesday, 4 April 2012

One of those days in England

I'm loving it. It's grey, cold, windy and raining . . . the perfect excuse to stay in our PJ's and read stories. Maybe play sylvanians, do some virtual art and ignore all the stuff that needs to be done. I might even get time to put up some recent photographs of Hamper G at a local "farm park"  . . . like now.

She was in Hamper heaven cuddling the baby rabbits, so much so that she almost fell asleep as she stroked them. Hypnotic. These are the first photos I've put up since she chopped off her waist length hair.

Feeding the lambs was good but she said the farmer was bossy! . . . 
She being the expert on all things bossy. "He could've let go of that bottle Mum, I was holding it really tight"

Pony, tractor and bumpy "barrel" rides. O what fun.
But the bonus was right at the end, on the way out . . .  Hamper G stopped and said "Errrr!! what's that coming out of the sheep's bum?"
Wow timing or what? I told her how lucky she was to see this and that I'd never seen that before in 49 years . . . She said it made her feel sick, especially when the "Daddy" started to eat the plastic bag that the baby came out in!

So that's where babies come from . . . Yep, well, no. Not from Daddy in a plastic bag, but yes, that's how they're born. So how do they get in there?  . . .  Maybe another visit to the farm one day will answer that question. These farm parks are a great idea and smaller children love getting involved with the animals. Of course Hamper G came home wanting a rabbit because it will sit with her and be cuddled (bossed about), our hamsters wont. Of course I said no. Of course I'm thinking about it . . . but just the one . . . of course.


  1. Oh wow! Looks like such fun. She is beautiful just like her mama. We would love to have a bunny to sit and pet and fall asleep with. Our cat won't be bossed about at all.

    1. Hi JJ . . . I wondered where you'd been. I noticed there's a new post up at yours now. I must find time today to go read the latest, I hope you're ok.
      Hamper G did originally want a cat but I did warn her they can be very independent. They like to be the boss . . . Or they like to think they are (like men;-))
      It's good to have you back.

  2. Hamper G is beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your trip to the park with us. You guys are lucky you were able to see a birth while you were there. Well, aside from all the questions it caused LOL

    I love rainy days and the cuddle time they inspire!

    1. You're welcome Lovey . . . I started reading your latest post last night, then got distracted (kids) so I'll be back later . . . I always thought that was your eye too!
      I love hearing about New York . . . It seems like another world to this one here.
      Yes rainy days, dvd's, books and an early easter egg ;-)

  3. Oh a bunny is a great pet! But just one is right. lol Your little one is beautiful. I loved seeing a day in your lives....thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes one would have to be right. I will never risk two "same sex" animals of any sort again, unless it's blindingly obvious that they're the same sex. That's how I got "Twenty something" hamsters.
      Glad you enjoyed the post Annette.

  4. That is one gorgeous wee girl you have there! How lucky to see a lamb being born. I almost got to see a calf born. Or maybe I did see it. I remember my boyfriend (a farmer) sticking his arm up the hoohaw of the cow because it had been in labour for hours and the calf needed to be turned or something. I was only 14 so I was probably traumatized so I can't remember the rest.

    1. I think it must be partly the "mixed race" thing, as many people say how lovely she is. She picked the best features from each parent plus the permanent tan . . . and the longest lashes in the world.
      I watched the babies being born programme again last night . . . I always think of you when there are twins involved.

  5. This made me smile (and I've been feeling cranky all day). I took my kids to a farm when they were little (long, long ago) and the SAME thing happened..we were standing at the railing looking at this cow, and she starts having a calf!! Holy was awful..the baby's legs stuck out of her for the longest time. My kids were crying..

    it was quite traumatic. Oh, maybe that is what happened to Andrew...;)

    Your little one is so precious!

    1. I'm glad I made you smile Lou . . . I'm a bit cranky today. I just did the weekly shop and the supermarket was packed due to Easter hols . . . So glad to be back home.
      Wow I can imagine that being traumatic . . . not a pretty sight.
      Is Andrew's old blog still on-line? I would like to read it (when/if I get time).
      I bought a "proper" skipping rope today :-)


      skipping rope is excellent..alternate with fast and slow in 30 second intervals

    3. Thanks for the link Lou.
      30 seconds!! . . . I will have to build up to that. Unfortunately I've damaged my lungs (Emphysema and COPD) irreversible, but I can improve the quality of the undamaged bits! . . . graduallly ;-)

  6. Loved this post. And I lived on a sheep farm for a while and hadn't seen it either. I love that she thought Daddies eat plastic bags. Not far wrong either.
    Please, if/when you buy the bunny make sure it isn't already pregnant (as happened to my mum)

    1. Hey you're back! I've missed you. I hope things are settling down a bit for you now, and SP is healing well.
      Yes, good advice on the bunny, I hadn't considered that possibility . . . it would just be my luck ;-)
      Good to have you back, Take good care.

  7. She is cute, looks like a wee pixie with that hair-cut! And in the early childhood world we would say she has 'leadership qualities' if she is a bit bossy! I love having kids around, you can do all those cool things with them, like going to farm days, or fun-fairs or kids movies. Make the most of every day, they are grown-up before you know it.

    1. P.S. From Kiwigirl!

    2. Hi Kiwigirl. Yes she deffo does have "leadership qualities".
      I have to set the alarm tonight and get up early in the morning (without her knowing) to "be" the Easter bunny, quickly hide the eggs around the garden . . . then get back to bed!
      It doesn't seem so long ago that I was being The Easter bunny for Stropster (16) . . . Like you say it flies by and there will most definitely NOt be any more litle ones after Hamper G ;-) (apart from grandchildren)

  8. Your daughter is really a cutie and so interested in the animals which is great. I think that children who love animals are the most compassionate and remain so throughout life. Neat that the sheep decided to give birth, although it could be traumatic if it didn't turn out well. I worry a lot about animals and their feelings. Thanks for sharing those photos. Wonderful!
