Sunday, 18 March 2012

Happy Mothers Day

I presume this is only in Britain (today) and I'm not sure how many British "Mother" readers I have, so to Annie and any others Happy Mothers Day!

I'm almost too late with this as I've had a busy family day. I was amazed by a (perfect) coffee in bed this morning from Stropster who then kept Hamper G happy all morning by playing "Sylvanians" with her. He brought his laptop through to my room and DJ'd some good tracks. We danced to Monkey Man, sang to many more, shared some stories and had a good laugh.

Hamper and I walked up to Mum's house this afternoon with her card . . . I'd taken her out on Friday for lunch as her present and she loved every minute of it . . . apart from the minute when she almost wee'd herself laughing on the way home.

Then home later this evening for lamb curry and naan bread that I'd cooked yesterday to give myself the day off today.
So a steady, peaceful Mothers Day with dancing and laughter. What more could I ask. Nothing.

I'm breathing well, feeling well, looking well and all's well . . . So happy "end of Mothers day"  to all mothers everywhere in the world . . . In any language we are truly blessed.
Sweet dreams and thanks as always to all.


  1. Replies
    1. Do you know what Annette . . . It was so perfect I was singing that song and almost posted it - Perfect Day by Lou reed. But since it's addressed to a lover and this was about my kids I thought I best post the one that we danced the most too ;-)
      Thanks as always x

  2. That sounds like a lovely day. Tell us - what made your mama nearly wet herself laughing. I am sure there could be a post in that.

    1. Hey do you know something . . . I did think about including the "non" joke but it was one of those "had to be there" hysteria moments. So just for you . . .
      We called in at the leisure centre to get timetable for aqua-fit and such like as we both need to lose a bit of weight and tone up. Mother wanted to book for this Wednesday (before I change my mind) but neither of us have anything to wear in the water - least not that fits anymore - She insisted that she must have one of those bathers with a skirt attached (50's style) to hide her fat bum (!) I said, If you can't get one just get a normal one and wear a skirt over it (?) . . . see what I mean? It was just one of those things and we hadn't been drinking at our lunch either ;-)

  3. Hello,same to you(i kno,its monday morning and i'm late...)I been catching up on your posts,loving the drawings and photos,you so pretty!My kids decided to feed me yesterday-Littlest one brought me chopped up apple for brekkie and Maya made me a choccie um...cake(?) in a cup,made in the microwave in 6 mins...for breakfast too...i was stuffed.Enjoy the sunshine..!Really loving your reminiscences,i am almost there with you,peeking in...xxxx

    1. I used to hate photos of myself back then Annie as I had full cheeks, like a hamster. I was actually envious of people who were gaunt (like Silverhip). I hope I didn't subconsciously get on Heroin to hollow my cheeks out. It worked . . . I suppose most of my back teeth missing helped too ;-)
      Yes lovely sunshine today, I should be gardening . . . I'm glad you're enjoying "the archives". Much love to you and family x x x

  4. Sounds a great day - I cooked a Chicken Curry on Saturday night.

    Mothering Sunday is very British although revived a bit from the 2nd world war on, it was very big in 18th and 19th centuries I believe. USA and Canadian soldiers then took it back to their countries but it is held on a different date for some reason - it is always 4th Sunday in Lent in England.

    1. Well there we were then united in our "curry cooking" . . . and gratitude for our clear-headed life ;-)
      Thanks for the history of Mothers day. I hope your Kids did have it all "sorted" x

  5. Thank You! I'm a mother and wouldn't trade my kids for anything. They are just fine the way they are. I know your mom feels the same way.

    1. She does now Lou . . . that's for sure. Enjoy "The keys" ;-)
      (Hey I picked up a time-table from the gym/pool . . . that's a start!)

  6. Happy Mother's Day. Sounds like it was a good one.

    1. Thanks Syd, it was.
      Now I best go check my last couple of posts . . . As your comments have "British Bus Syndrome" . . . A tendency to turn up in threes ;-)
      Always much appreciated though.

  7. Happy (belated?) Mother's Day! I'm glad you were able to enjoy it with your kids and your mom and create such wonderful memories =)

    1. Thanks L-ovey . . . It was a lovely easy day.
      I loved the date mix up with your bro's visit ;-) I'm good at that sort of thing . . . The hospital rang me today to see why I hadn't turned up to be assessed for detox . . . Whoops.
      I'd read the letter and put it on the "to be dealt with/ignored till I get a call" pile.
      Ok, paperwork day tomorrow.

  8. Thanks for answering my question. I go swimming when I can make myself. There are often aquafit classes going on and lots of the women in them have a full make up on and their hair done and jewellery as they gently exercise. Insane. Or perhaps I am saying that because I would splash myself/perspire and the make up would run.
    Have a great day.

    1. You're welcome. O I say, that sounds a bit glamorous and scary. The aquafit is mainly for Mum to start with something gentle. Saying that, I probably won't be able to walk the next day.
      I prefer doing weights and am really going to force myself to the gym. No, really ;-)

  9. Glad you had a great day. Our mothers day is in May and I always look forward to it esp. now my kids are adults, they always spoil me rotten! You definitely reap what you sow with kids.
    I know what you mean about nearly pissing yourself laughing over "non" jokes, my daughter and I have many such incidents where people look at us like we're mental. The last one was when she noticed a random tomato seed on my chin while we were in the supermarket! How did that get there!

    1. Thanks Kiwigirl . . It's crazy somne of the stuff we find ourselves laughing over isn't it?
      Geekster often tries to tell me about something him and his mates have found hilarious . . . I'm like O yeah (?). . . He doesn't seem to have grasped the "had to be there" thing yet.
      I've been very generous (guilt) with my kids over the years so I should be in for a good harvest ;-)

  10. Sounds like an awesome day - lucky you! Our Mother's Day is the first Sunday in May (I think) which makes it a nice spring day most of the time.

    1. Hi Jeannie . . . Yes it went well. I hope your Mum has settled in now and that you're rested from all the work of the move. I'm off to check if you've posted today . . .

  11. Happy Mother's Day to you and hope you're doing well. you're a wonderful mother and eye'm happy you had a good day wth your family. Mother's Day isn't until May in the US.

    Something kind of random eye was thinking about in reading some blogs about parents with addicted children and so on, talking about how addicts lie... It's kind of a blanket assumption, obviously, as you are very open with your family. Eye think that yeah, they may lie to other people to get their money somehow..(but actually eye know a guy who was a beggar in Seattle, and he actually said that it was for drugs, and he still made his money) But more so they will lie if it's seen as a necessity (ok, well the some take it further and then get in the habit of such.) They'll lie if they feel they have something to lose if they do not - like being cut off from the family - financially or otherwise, being forced into rehab... almost like if they're given a reason to. But then after getting clean, many don't want to disappoint their family if they slip up, so they lie about it. Now, eye REALLY don't think that you're going to go back to it, eye get the impression that you're truly, through and through ready to be "done" and well, you are pretty done so far! But if you did end up using, do you think that you would end up telling your family about it, or would it depend on how far ir got, or only say so if asked? Of course, this is all total speculation, it's almost 5am so may jut be getting a little silly with wondering random thing and asking stupid questions.

    Other than that.. just wanted to tell you that reading your blog makes me smile! Not just because you're clean, you've always been like that to me. Different people's blogs have different moods or impressions to me. To me, it's like you have an inner joy that shines through, even in times when you may not be at your happiest.

    Anyway, it's time that eye go off to sleep. Class isn't until 5:30 tomorrow, but the plan is to get on a better sleeping schedule.

    1. H'eyelick, Good to see you back in Blogland . . I'm glad I make you smile, that's good :-) Thanks for saying it though.
      I don't think that's a silly question in fact I've asked myself the same things . . . And I reckon all of those "ifs" would apply.
      It would depend on how far it got, yes . . . If ever (please No) I was back to being an addict they (my family) would know for sure . . . In fact even if I used a few times I think they would know.
      My Mum and Bro both live within 5mins walking distance of me and I see them both a few times a week. My Bro, a former addict, would know for sure straight away. I look different and I'm behaving very differently . . . Talking more, laughing more, making plans, going out more . . . Spending more money!
      If I only used as a quick lapse, I would not go and confess to them but if my Bro were to ask I would tell him for sure . . . If my Mum asked me, I wouldn't lie but I would just say, "I'm back on track, let's leave it there" . . . So she would know that, yes I'd used, but no need for details.
      Knowing them as I do, I think if they had any doubts they wouldn't ask me because deep down they would know and wouldn't want to put me in a position where I have a choice of; lying or seeing the hurt and disappointmemt in their faces if I told the truth.
      I think they would let it run it's course until it either became obvious that I was back on it or another miracle happened and I got off it.
      I have had some "moments" in the past 6 weeks but I keep trying hard to remember that for most of those 12 years of addiction I would've liked to stop . . . but I couldn't . . . Then suddenly I could and I did. One day in 12 years!? I wouldn't like to push my "luck" and risk that not happening again.
      I do have to fight it sometimes . . . The days when I remember to fight, I do it first thing in the morning by telling "it" I'm gonna have a good day in which it will not be involved. Full stop.
      Then if I get a couple of easy days and get close to complacency . . . Suddenly I find it has crept in the back door whilst I wasn't looking and it's full on in my head . . . "C'mon you know you need to chill out here" (usually after some sort of stress involving the kids) . . . Then it's full battle mode to kick the fucka out before I start to believe the lies; I need it, I want it, it will improve (haha) the situation, Sometimes when I miss the soothing, numbing lullaby of it . . . I force myself over and over to remember the crap of it.
      I'm so pleased that I started this blog exactly when I did, so when I do forget, I can look back . . . It all seems so long ago, how strange.
      Man, this is turning into a "post" . . . Thanks for making me think though Eyelick. I hope all's well with you and you get more blog time soon. Take care x x
