Friday, 6 January 2012

Roy Harper I love you


I woke up with this song in my head. I first saw and fell in love with Roy Harper at Glastonbury in 1979 when it was still a "festival" . . . Or was it Stonehenge?  Many of his songs feature on the sound track to my life. Brilliant guitarist, singer and poet.
I read somewhere the other day (tips on blogging or something) not to post music and expect people to share your taste in music . . . Well I certainly don't expect anyone to share my taste in music. That would be a lot to ask :-) I don't even expect everyone to click on tracks and listen, especially eleven minute tracks like the one above . . . and that's just Part 1 of the track. This blog is for me as well as others. If you do listen and enjoy that's a bonus. Have a fine day . . .  and Gledwood put that tomato knife away.


  1. What a chooon !!!! Roy is one of my all time faves, very political I might add. You have inspired me to post my favourite Harper track later on.

  2. when I share I just hope people give it a listen esp. if they don't know it

  3. It sounds quite reminiscent (to me) of Al Stewart. It took a good long listen to place it - I thought I'd heard this number before - and maybe I had and it has nothing to do with Al Stewart at all. I don't mind when people share their musical taste - it says a little something about them - where they were at a particular time and place - whether or not I share it. In this case - at that time - I would have been totally into this guy too. The world has changed a lot since then. Does anyone have the patience for epic tracks these days?

  4. Karl,
    That is weird because while it was in my head . . . yours was the first blog I went to this morning and commented. I didn't expect anyone to have heard of him. Even though most folk have heard him sing (without kowing) on Pink Floyd's "Have a cigar" (?) . . . Soon as I've done here I'm round to yours to check out your fave Harper choon ;-) . . "See" you soon.

  5. Furtheron,
    Yes me too . . I would like to think they do. But I do realise Cohen and Melanie are not what everyone wants to hear. I'm sure when you post your own music or something people haven't heard of they're are more inclined to listen.

  6. Oh Jeannie, Al Stewart . . Year of the Cat. I'd totally forgotten about that. There were some good tracks on that album . . might have to go trawling in a bit ;-) Yes the world has changed a lot since then. I do listen to some new stuff (I don't get much choice with two teenagers in the house) and occasionally there's one that moves me . . but overall I tend to love the tracks that I've always loved. I'm not sure whether the "majority" had the patience for epic tracks or heavy political/poetic lyrics even back then. They certainly never topped the charts. Thanks for the Al Stewart reminder.

  7. Just googled roy & guess what ? He's got a blog.

  8. ps.he was born in born 1941.

  9. Hey Karl,
    Found the blog . . . found him on FB . . . How pleased am I? . . Thanks.
    Take care.

  10. Hi,the only roy harper i know is a lurcher that lives in south wales and he is legendary..i was vaguely aware that he was named after someone,now i know....thank you for enlightening me in such a pleasant way xxxxx

  11. Hey Annie . . . Just sat down, gonna msg u on FB in a min. O he's done some brilliant music. I'm suprised with all your "festival" past and being, like me, an old hippie . . . Ok not so old ;-) that u not heard of him . . apart from in dog form. Be "round to see you" in an hour. huge love to you all x x x x

  12. Talking of dogs & Roy Harper I just could not resist posting a tune he made about a dog called self control.If nothing else it lightens the mood a little..... enjoy x Karl

  13. Glastonbury - oh man, so many great concert there that make me wish I lived in England! I guess its not the same as it was when it started in the 70's. He is brilliant! I'm an old hippie like you - but I think I'm older!

  14. Barbara . . No it's not the same. The last & final time I "braved" it was . . erm . . . 18 (?) years ago and it was too big then. Just way way too big for me . . I lost my partner/friends and ended up hanging out at the Krishna tent for two nights to get some good food and "safety" . . .
    I'm checking on posts in a min so will probably be "round to see you" meantime love n hugs x

  15. Karl. Love that track . . . what a surprise. On my way to "yours" now to listen to it.
    Nice one ;-)
